

Moon Series


Symbolic mother of the pharaohs and lady of sensual love, Hathor is at the apex of religion in ancient Egypt. A sun disk-shaped headcovering symbolizes the unity of maternal and celestial aspects, which inspired the soul sound of our Handpan. Vibrant with persistent oriental hues, every note of Hathor incessantly sings the sacred in life, the sacred of life.

SCALE: G2 Hijaz

Available in 432 Hz only.


Mutant Series


Name of a person with a thousand spiritual resonances, Demyan comes from an ancient Greek root that means "he who tames". It spread to the Christian East with its Latin variant, thanks to the work of St Damian, the holy healer who worked without asking for anything in return. The same generous musical magnificence shines in the expressive possibilities of Demyan, which houses nine notes on the top of the instrument and five on the bottom. The scale in G sharp minor gives it an amazing melodic ductility, where every minimal change in sound is a gift and moment of grace.

SCALE: G#2 Minor

Available in 432 Hz only.